Deposit policy

  • $200 is the base price for deposits. I may require larger deposits for longer days or traveling appointments. Please be ready to pay the base price of the $200 deposit at the time of your consultation.

  • Once you have paid the deposit it is not refundable at any time, but it DOES go towards the cost of your tattoo.

  • 30 days notice of cancellation or reschedule request will result in forfeiture of half your deposit. You will need to pay another half within 2 weeks of said notice to book a new appointment. After 2 weeks your entire deposit is forfeit and you will be removed from my schedule.

  • 15 days notice of cancellation or reschedule will result in the forfeiture of your entire deposit. You would need to pay another full deposit to book new appointment dates. If you have any existing dates on my schedule they will be removed if I do not receive a replacement deposit within 2 weeks of cancellation or reschedule.

  • Positive Covid-19 tests and other illnesses are excused with proper documentation.

  • In the event of other emergencies deposit policy forfeiture will be up to my discretion.

  • Please do not change your idea once you have booked your appointment. Doing so can result in forfeiture of your deposit.

  • I DO NOT send out designs before an appointment. I have many people to correspond with, so back and forth designing leaves me little time for other clients. This is also to prevent my designs from being tattooed elsewhere. For these reasons I do not allow previews under any circumstances. However, my consultation process is very lengthy, personal, and in depth to make sure we are on the same page about the design. I do allot plenty of time at appointments for reasonable design changes to be made! This is also why I ask for reference pictures :)

  • I accept deposit payments via Venmo, Paypal, or Zelle.